Education being the all-round development of the innate talents of a child, we give as many opportunities as possible to every student to participate in a variety of co-curricular and extra curricular activities. It will also teach him/her the values of cooperation and sportsmanship, making him/her a more disciplined individual. To achieve these aims we have provided facilities for indoor and outdoor games, athletics, and literary and cultural activities.
Clubs and Co-Curricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities
House Activities
House-System: All co-curricular activities are carried out through the house system. Each house is guided by the Teachers In-Charge.
The four houses: Don Bosco: Blue House, Dominic Savio: Green House, Mary Mazzarello: Red House and Mamma Margaret: Yellow House
The aim of the house system is :
- To stimulate a keen sense of union among the pupils in the school.
- To stimulate a greater effort in sports , games and academic achievement.
- To develop a sense of belonging to the school and consequently a good spirit.
- To create a sense of responsibility.
- To develop leadership qualities.
CBSE Clubs and Activities

Photo Gallery

Outdoor Games: Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.,
Indoor Games: Table Tennis, Chess, Carrom, etc.,
Athletics: It includes Track and Field, Running, Jumping and Throwing.
Regular opportunities are given for intellectual pursuits like Debates, Elocution and Essay Writing in English, Hindi and Telugu. Quiz and General Knowledge competitions are part of them.
Students are also encouraged to participate in cultural activities like Singing, Music, Dance, Dramatics, Mono Action, Mime, Mimicry, Fancy Dress, Drawing, Painting, etc.
Clubs &Associations
Students can be part of Maths Club, Science Club, Literary & Cultural Club, Games & Sports Club and Art & Craft Club. Since every activity of the school is a part of the school curriculum and meant to educate the child as a whole, the activities of all the clubs are incorporated into the daily time table without affecting the academic performance of the children.
In order to organise and conduct these activities in a systematic way all the students are classified into our Houses viz. Don Bosco, Dominic Savio, Mamma Margaret and Mary Mazzarello.
The Inter House Competitions are spread out throughout the year and are conducted regularly. Incentives for participation are given in the form of points as per merit, as well as trophies to the House and Certificates of Merit to the Individual participants.
All these activities are meant to develop the total personality of the child. Parents and teachers should encourage and guide their children to participate in them whole-heartedly.
It is important that after being in the classroom for five to six hours a day the child should be given an opportunity to relax his / her mind and exercise his / her body at least for an hour. Therefore, no exemption is given to any one from participating in the co-curricular activities, except on medical grounds
School Teams
Exceptionally talented students are selected to be members of the school teams and are given special coaching during the year. Once a student is selected and given practice for any one of the school teams, it is compulsory that he / she participates in all the competitions of the school as it will not be possible to select a new player to replace him / her at the last minute.
Students who represent the school in any of the Inter School competitions at the District / State level will be given incentives in the form of marks during the next series of unit tests. It will be computed as per the directives of the Principal. These marks will be added to the marks obtained by the student and will be considered for their grading in the class.
Picnics and Excursions
Students are taken out for Class picnics to near-by places every year. It is compulsory for all the students of the class to participate in the same. Students of higher classes are taken out on educational tours with the permission of the education department and the parents. For all the class picnics and excursions the students are to wear their school uniform.