The Don Bosco School, Bandlaguda is part of the renowned international network of Don Bosco Schools and Institutions spanning across 132 countries. The founder Don Bosco more than a century and a half ago initiated and promoted a system of education that took care of the integral development of the student. He was well ahead of his times and he gave a great legacy to which we are faithful.
At Don Bosco, we are committed to initiating students into a happy learning environment which takes care of all the developmental needs of the child. As in the past, we are committed to high-quality education, with a strong foundation on value system, using modern techniques and technologies in teaching.
The world today is unpredictable. Everything is changing at lightning speed. Our goal is to prepare and equip this generation of students to confront new situations and overcome the challenges with ease and ingenuity. Therefore Don Bosco is poised to make a genuine difference in the lives of our students, by promoting intellectual astuteness, moral integrity, social and environmental responsibility, athletic and artistic accomplishment.
I wishthemanagement,thefaculty,students andstaffatransformativeyear 2016-17