
Don Bosco School, Bandlaguda is opened in June 2011.It is a school with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) syllabus in the campus of Don Bosco Provincial House, Hyderabad-86 (India). The management is the world renown group of Catholic educationists, the Salesians of Don Bosco. The primary goal of the institute is nurturing responsible citizens through an integral education based on the principles of Don Bosco.

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The Don Bosco School, Bandlaguda is part of the renowned international network of Don Bosco Schools and Institutions spanning across 132 countries. The founder Don Bosco more than a century and a half ago initiated and promoted a system of education that took care of the integral development of the student. He was well ahead of his times and he gave a great legacy to which we are faithful.

At Don Bosco, we are committed to initiating students into a happy learning environment which takes care of all the developmental needs of the child. As in the past, we are committed to high-quality education, with a strong foundation on value system, using modern techniques and technologies in teaching.

The world today is unpredictable. Everything is changing at lightning speed. Our goal is to prepare and equip this generation of students to confront new situations and overcome the challenges with ease and ingenuity. Therefore Don Bosco is poised to make a genuine difference in the lives of our students, by promoting intellectual astuteness, moral integrity, social and environmental responsibility, athletic and artistic accomplishment.

I wish the management,the faculty,students and staff a transformative year 2016-17

Dr. Fr. Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar

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“The children TODAY are LEADERS TOMORROW.” They must become the change the world is looking for: Leaders with Values and Principles. If so let’s look at some of those within our country and in the world with leadership today. It is fascinating to know that they make a unique contribution to the world around them and an inspiration to us, their contemporaries. Many of them have become legends in their own lifetime. How about you? Leadership is one of the most important traits for success in any walk of life. Great leaders transform people, business enterprises and nations. They shape history. What are some qualities great people of our own times leave for us to imitate and emulate. Please take a look below at some leaders known to us and the inspiration they leave behind them for us.

“VISION [Abdul Kalam], INTEGRITY [Manmohan Singh], CHARISMA [Barack Obama], TRUST [Nelson Mandela], SELFLESSNESS [Dalai Lama], FAIRPLAY [Ratan Tata], HUMILITY [Narayana Muurthy] MAGNANIMITY [Warren Buffet], COMPASSION [Mother Theresa], ENDURANCE [Lance Armstrong], IMAGINATION [JK Rowling], CONSISTENCY [Lata Mageshkar], EMPATHY [Red Cross], PATH BREAKER Stephen Hawking], FORESIGHT [Bill Gates], THINKER [Amartya Sen], INNOVATION [Steve Jobs], COMMUNICATOR Amitabh Bachchan], PROACTIVE [Pope Francis], PERFECTIONISM [Steven Spielberg], CREATIVITY [AR Rahman], DEDICATION [Sachin Tendulkar], ENTHUSIASM Zakir Hussein], DETERMINATION [Verghese Kurien], THINK ON YOUR FEET [V. Anand], ENTERPRISING [Amir Khan], FOCUS [Michael Jordan], EFFICIENCY [Dabbawalas], COURAGE The Indian Soldier], PREPARATION Election Commission of India], EFFECTIVENESS [Michael Phelps] Read More

Fr. K.T. Jose SDB

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Every child is a masterpiece of God’s intellect. Every child is unique and each one has the possibility of self-actualization. The child who enters the school to learn is ready to accept and explore the qualities and abilities that he / she is gifted with. Therefore a school is a place of learning where the child is assisted to educate himself/herself. Learning is not limited to the ability to read and write only. A school forms the in dividual and education is shaping of personality.

Mahatma Gandhi views education as a quality that one’s self can lead to the regulation of one’s intellectual, moral, spiritual and social behavior. A school which is always a ‘world in miniature’ assists a learner for life. The child who is oriented towards the unlimited ways of learning for life will begin to choose to educate himself in his possible capacity and feels happy about learning.

As parents and teachers our role is only to provide an ambiance for the child to explore the possibilities of learning where the child marches towards self actualization. He/she begins to accept challenges, face competition, defeat and failure, and rejoice at victory and triumph. All our efforts are to help the child to grow and go into the world with strength, not only to reach and excel in their professional aspirations but to be a matured human person who reflects the Divine qualities as an honest citizen who contributes to the building up of the nation.

Fr. Bandha Suresh


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